Silver Institute Press Releases

  • Global Silver Demand Rising to a New High in 2022

    Silver Jewelry and Physical Investment both forecast to surge by 50 Moz to record highs this year
    (November 17, 2022) – Silver demand is forecast to reach a record total in 2022, driven by new highs for industrial demand, jewelry and silverware offtake and physical investment. These were some of the key findings reported by …

  • Generational Silver Jewelry Purchases Examined in New Report

    Millennial Females are Purchasing More Silver Jewelry than Other Demographics
    (Washington, DC — November 10, 2022) Fashion-conscious consumers cherish silver jewelry for its beauty, its use in contemporary designs, and its affordability in relation to other precious metals. Each generation plays an important yet distinct role in the silver jewelry marketplace. From the wealthy Silent …

  • Optimal Investment Portfolio Should Include 4-6 Percent Silver According to New Report

     Silver Can Be a Strategic Asset Within Efficient Multi-Asset Portfolios
    (Washington, D.C. – September 29, 2022) – Silver as a distinct asset class should be considered as a strategic investment allocation within a global multi-asset portfolio, according to new research by Oxford Economics, a leading independent economic advisory firm. The firm finds that investors would …

  • Silver Institute President Bradford Cooke Passes Away

    (Washington, D.C. – August 19, 2022) The members of the Silver Institute offer our condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Bradford Cooke, who passed away unexpectedly.
    Brad was the founder and Chairman of Endeavour Silver and President of the Silver Institute.
    Michael DiRienzo, Executive Director of the Silver Institute, said, “We are extremely …

  • Silver’s Use in Brazing and Soldering Alloys Projected to Grow 23 Percent Through 2030

    (Washington D.C. – June 15, 2022) An often underappreciated but important component of silver’s use in industry is its essential role in brazing and soldering, with nearly a half-billion ounces of silver consumed in this sector in the past decade.
    Brazing and soldering are methods of joining two or more metals and are commonly used …

  • Global Silver Demand Surged in 2021

    Silver Industrial Demand Up 9 Percent to Post a New Record High
    (Washington, D.C. – April 20, 2022) The global silver market realized growth in every demand category in 2021, marking the first time all key sectors rose in tandem since 1997. Surpassing pre-pandemic volumes, total global silver demand achieved its highest level since …

  • Global Silver Demand Forecast To Reach A Record 1.112 Billion Ounces In 2022

    Gains Will Be Broad-based, With Growth Expected From Most Key Demand Components
    (Washington D.C. – February 9, 2022) The outlook for silver demand is exceptionally promising for 2022, with global silver demand forecast to rise to a record high of 1.112 billion ounces (Boz) in 2022. The increase will be driven by record silver industrial …

  • Release of Silver Institute’s 2021 Interim Silver Market Review

    Industrial Demand for Silver Rebounding to a New High in 2021

  • Global Connectivity to Boost Silver Demand in Electrical and Electronics Applications

    (Washington, D.C. – September 23, 2021) With the highest electrical conductivity of all metals, silver is a component in almost all electronic devices we use daily. But silver isn’t just vital today; the next generation of technological advancements, especially those related to global connectivity expansion, will rely on the white metal’s inherent properties throughout the …

  • Silver Institute Membership Elects New Officers

    (Washington, D.C. – August 4, 2021) Mr. Bradford Cooke, Executive Chairman of Endeavour Silver Corp. (EXK: NYSE and EDR: TSX), based in Vancouver, Canada, has been elected President of the Silver Institute by its membership, succeeding Mr. Michael Steinmann, President and CEO of Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS: NASDAQ and TSX).  Additionally, Mr. Ignacio Bustamante, …