Welcome to the Silver Institute.


Silver is like nothing else on earth.

Not only is it a beautiful metal – and part of the precious metals quartet of gold, platinum, palladium and silver – but its unique properties extend beyond esthetics and value. Silver also is an industrial workhorse, and without it modern technology could not exist.

Amazingly, the white metal already contains all the attributes you would build into a high technology material if you started from a blank slate. Silver has a high strength-to-weight ratio. It is malleable, able to bend and flex without breaking. It boasts one of the highest reflectivity rates of any substance. At the same time, it is one of the world’s best conductors of electricity.

On the non-industrial side of the ledger, silver has been a storehouse of wealth for centuries, used in coins and medals, and more recently as a vehicle for investment.

On this website, you will see how silver’s properties have made it one of the most useful, precious and versatile elements in the world – in the past and into the future.

Since 1971, the Silver Institute has been the world’s most reliable and trusted source of news and data on silver. Through our reports, publications, conferences and on-line materials, we have supplied information to governments, investors, companies, industry stakeholders and individuals.

Much of this information, including the widely-known annual Silver Survey, is available through this website. In addition, you are welcome to subscribe to our bi-monthly Silver News, a publication offering the latest news about silver and its cutting-edge uses, as well as our press releases that keep you informed on what you need to know about silver. Feel free to download our reports and whitepapers for in-depth intelligence on silver.

The world of silver changes quickly with new innovations and developments emerging at almost breakneck speed. Check back here often to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of silver and how it affects your life and business.