Silver Institute To Host Silver Industrial Conference Washington, D.C.

Silver Institute To Host Silver Industrial Conference Washington, D.C.

  • Posted on 07 16, 2013

October 22-23, 2013

The Silver Institute will host the 2013 Silver Industrial Conference in Washington, D.C., on October 22-23.

The event is dedicated to the metal’s ever-growing role in the industrial world, and will bring together leading executives from throughout the wide-ranging silver industry and supply chain, to focus attention on future commercial and industrial developments, and the changing demands of the silver marketplace.

The broad industrial demand for silver, in just a few years, has gone from contrasting periods of capacity shortages to excess production capabilities, each affecting the varied segments of the industry differently. Total industrial uses of silver currently account for over 50% of silver fabrication demand. The current outlook for demand and usage of silver varies considerably through the different product segments of the industry. Demands and usage will continue to change as new end uses are found, and exciting technologies and industrial applications evolve and grow increasingly sophisticated.

It is against this backdrop that the Silver Institute has planned and scheduled the 2013 Silver Industrial Conference in October, to focus attention on the near and long term prospects for industrial demand for silver, in the face of the current world economy.

Participants will include executives and experts from across the silver supply chain, including those from industrial fabricators, miners, refiners, bullion bankers, technology companies, and government agencies.

The Silver Industrial Conference will be held at the Capital Hilton Hotel, in downtown Washington, D.C., on October 22-23. It will provide a unique opportunity to exchange viewpoints and experiences with other industry participants through the variety of presentations, panel discussion and networking opportunities.

The schedule includes an opening reception on the evening of October 22. The conference program on October 23 will include presentations and a panel discussion by notable industry experts on:

  • Silver: The Indispensable Metal – Prized by Industry
  • Silver Electronics – Developing a Mature Market
  • Silver’s Future in Solar Energy Generation
  • The View From Europe – Opportunities in the Industrial Market
  • Outlook and Challenges for Ethylene Oxide Demand
  • Biocidal Properties of Silver – Market Potential and Utilization
  • Supply Side Management in the Americas – Servicing the World’s Largest Fabricator
  • Panel Discussion on Key Issues, Including “What Will Be the New PV?”

To take advantage of the opportunities that will only be available at this Conference, we urge you to register today, and confirm your plans to join us in October. The knowledge and understanding gained at the Conference will help strengthen the industry’s standing, and provide new ideas and a broader outlook to help you grow your business.