Economic Impact

Silver Institute member companies create significant value in the communities, regions, and countries in which they operate. This takes the form of wages and benefits, payments to contractors and suppliers, local, state and federal taxes. Developing small and medium businesses has been a key driver to the social acceptability in communities.


Some Silver Institute members operate in communities that are socio-economically diverse, ranging from low to high levels of social marginalization. In line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, the companies collaborate with their communities to improve inclusive and quality schooling. Educational support is provided through contributions to school infrastructures, scholarships, and learning programs, while other community members benefit from a range of training opportunities, which helps to promote lifelong learning.

Community Health

Many Silver Institute members operate in regions where access to quality healthcare can be challenging. In line with SDG 3, the companies collaborate with authorities and NGO’s to support healthy lives and wellbeing in the communities. Contributions to health facilities and equipment, collaboration on healthcare and emergency response, are some examples of how companies support community health.